Let me start off with some of my favorite music tracks from the EA Sports Trax list. Most NHL games have been pretty meh for me in the music department. This year's track list is full of music you'll most likely hear in an actual hockey arena, during goal celebrations and powerplays, etc. And some of the songs just plain rock. Lastly, if you get tired of the track list, you can always customize the tunes to play whatever is on your hard-drive.
- Twilight Zone - 2 Unlimited
- Strike It Up - Black Box
- Full Of Regret - Danko Jones
- Sandstorm - Darude
- The Final Countdown - Europe
- Here I Stand - The Whispers
- Dialectic Chaos - Megadeth
- Walk - Pantera
- Blitzkrieg - Bop

Next up is Hockey Ultimate Team (HUT). This is probably my favorite new addition to the series, and I really hope it's relatively popular so they keep enhancing it with future entries in the series. HUT almost feels like a massive multiplayer online game. When you first start it up you pick a team name and abbreviation. You then are given a massive booster pack of cards, that's right, cards. They consist of arena's, coaches, players, and trainer cards. With these cards you create your team, while trying to keep chemistry as high as possible. You do this by putting these cards (players) together on different lines of your hockey team. You need to try to keep players together that are from the same team or league, and are in the correct position they should be in.

You can take your created team of hockey cards into single player or online matches. There are also tournaments as well, if you win so many games in a row you win a cash prize at the end. The currency in this mode is lamely called EA Pucks. With this currency you can buy cards online, place bids, as well as buy new booster packs to find new (and hopefully rare) cards.
Enough about the Hockey Ultimate Team mode. Next up on the main menu is the online EA Sports Hockey League. I wasn't able to participate in NHL 10's EA Hockey League (and so I missed out on all those trophies) but this year I've been invited to a team. The Ice Dogs. I haven't played a game yet, but I see we have a fair amount of active members and I'm hoping to play a game or two in the next week or so. I tried setting one up but there are a lot of options and things to figure out before getting into a game. I'll do it some other time I guess.

After Be A Pro mode is an option simply called "Game Modes". I'm not sure why some of these things are thrown in here, rather than on the title screen, perhaps they are less popular. Be a GM Mode is in here, which I was never a big fan of, but I might try the NHL 11 version of it eventually. Playoff mode, where you can just play a complete playoff run I believe. Season mode, same thing I'm guessing, but you play an entire season with a team. Tournament mode, where I'm guessing you can go as Team Canada and play for a medal. Create Play mode is here, where you can create your own plays, obviously. Practice mode, where I spend a lot of my time practicing 1-on-1 with my favorite players. And shootout mode, where you can play a shootout match.
Lastly I'm going to talk about the new additions that I've noticed in NHL 11. Some I've already commented on when I played the demo, but I've noticed a couple more things that are new and not really talked about much. Let me list off the features that are new to NHL 11.
- Custom camera angles during game-play. Excellent addition to the series!
- Sticks can break on the ice. Debris even get left behind
- The hitting has significantly been altered. Hits are much more realistic this time around
- Locking your controller to a certain position on the ice finally works, yay!
- Faceoffs have been completely redone and work great, lots of control and options now
- You can press R3 to do a double-cheek hip check
- Pressing L2 while rushing with the puck gives you an extra bit of boosted speed
- You can pass the puck either hard or soft depending on how long you hold R2
- Doing the dekes with L1 work much better. They've also added a couple new moves
- Disallowed goals! I've included a video that I recorded below as an example.
I'm pretty positive that I'm forgetting some things, probably some giant new additions that I'm used to now and so totally forgot. Most of it is there though I think. NHL 11 is a huge advancement over NHL 10. If you skipped last years, or weren't too happy with the changes they made, try NHL 11. At the very least give the free demo a try. I'm curious how they will enhance it for next year though, there doesn't seem to be any game-play missing anymore. I can't believe how far we've come from NHL 94, when I first started playing.
Did NHL 11 give you everything you wanted in a hockey game? What else could they add for next years game? Thanks for reading and if you have any thoughts at all, please comment below.
Edit: Also, I forgot to mention something interesting. NHL 11 (at least on the blu-ray version for PS3) it comes with a free 3-on-3 Arcade Game. Too bad I already own it though. Bought it a couple years back when it came out.
Hey, I only played NHL10 once and thought it was fantastic. So realistic. Never encountered the bugs. Perhaps I didn't play it long enough.
ReplyDeleteI haven't got the chance to play too many of the newer system hockey games as I have never owned one. I grew up on NHL94 as well.
Thanks for commenting Andy. Yeah, the worst bug in NHL 10, which was quite game breaking, was the Be A Pro mode position lock not working right. The manual line changes had to be done a certain way too. I always lost control of my BAP player.
ReplyDeleteNHL 11, as you read above, is hands down one of the most well crafted games I've ever played. The devs went above and beyond what they did with NHL 10. Hope to see you on the blog again sometime, Andy.
Ah, yeah. I never really played any feature other then just against my friend who had the game. Can't wait to try out the new one. I would buy a gaming system solely to play a hockey game...if I had money to spend on a system (and high def tv).
ReplyDeleteAh yes Andy, hdtv's are truly awesome. I only have a 32" but it beats the hell out of my big ass 27" sdtv I had before. It's 1080p as well, Toshiba.
ReplyDeleteI'm still playing a lot of NHL 11 (have it on right now actually) and It's playing great. Again, as I've said above, the card game is absolutely amazing, extremely addicting actually.
BAP mode though, I've only played a couple games but, well ... I'm not sure if I'm doing something obviously wrong but sometimes on the calender screen I can't press the start button to access the menu. Weird. I have to hold the PS button to exit the entire game and restart :P Hope it's just me missing something.
dude .your blog is one of the best blogs ive read, because the fact you go into detail and other sites dont i really like your way of explaining the games/ i will be sure be recomend this to my friends .. keep up the good work and never stop gaming.. good job....
ReplyDeleteNHL 11 is probably the most unrealastic sports game out there. I just played a game on all star with the other teams shot power, accuracy, and everything in that category down. I even put my goalies reaction speed up full and screen affect. Shots for me 31-7. End score- 4 -1 for them. Anyone wanna show me any team thats ever done that in the NHL please feel free. Games an absolute joke. I have been playing actual hockey for 17 years now in Canada and have not one played any less than aaa. I now play in the western hockey league. This game Is nowhere near to realistic and quite frankly I will not buy anymore of eas NHL franchise. To all who made this game.... It absolutely sucks. And to sit there and think I've created such a fantastic game is quit amuzing. I bet half of the creators haven't even played hockey. So get a life and stop fantasizing over something u will never be good at in "real life" not some stupid video game that sucks. My rating out of ten.... Not even a two
ReplyDeleteI am also a big hockey fan and played on the high school level and I could not agree more. This game is awful. I can't understand why so many have raved over this. Maybe I have to be a geek to get why people love this game. There is no f'ing way every defensemen can skate faster backwards than every forward in the league. It is impossible to get around them. The goalie centers the puck in front of the crease when I want to pass left or right resulting in goals for the opposition. The oppositions goalie passes perfect and fast everytime so youd never have a chance at stealing it. My goalie will just put it out there slowly..Slap shots are blocked and picked up like passes. You can hardly pass into the crease without it getting blocked. The passing is so very bad. Your players don't fight to get open instead they stand around like idiots. It also seams that the computer team I play against scores more goals in the third period than any other. You can't forecheck and steal the puck in your offensive zone ever. There is no difference in player speed they all skate at the same rate of speed. This game is total junk! I give it a minus two! and bring back the G$#%^&#&! speed burst! Real people get bursts of speed.. It's called adrenaline you morons!
Deletei think its a decent game but like the guy above me said its aggrivating playing goalie mode and only facing 6 shots a game. alot of that is due to the fact the oppsition player constantly deke in situations that are completely unrealistic. I watch a lot of hockey and coaches will always say just put the puck on net. but the opposing players never do they always try and stick handle around like four guys. i think its something they really need to fix for nhl 12
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments guys. I really think that NHL11 was a huge step over NHL10, well ..maybe not huge, but the NHL team at EA certainly put significant effort into the newest entry in the series. I originally wasn't going to pick this game up, but after playing the demo and witnessing the new features, I had to pick it up.
ReplyDeleteAfter more than 6 months playing the game, I do have a problem with something though. That briefly addicting card game has lost my interest. I thought it was pretty amazing at first, but after losing my save file (due to my PS3 dying last fall) I had to start over and I'm realizing how easy it is to run out of money and players. Therefore ending the experience and having to start over really sucks as well. Obviously, EA did this so that you'd spend real money on card packs, which I really don't agree with. I think if NHL12 goes even further with this cash marketplace stuff, I'll skip it.