
Clark is clearly feeling thoughts of guilt about how Lana lost her parents. We really get to see how blindly noble this young man really can be. He had absolutely no control over the death of her parents, yet he feels responsible for it subconsciously at this point.
It's pretty exciting to see Clark flying so early on in the show though, even if it was just a dream. Seeing him actually hovering above his bed for a moment was even more special. At this point I was always wondering if flight would be an ability he would learn early on, but I'm pretty sure the writers stated near the beginning that there was going to be a strict "no flight, no tights" policy. Not sure how that turned out in later seasons though.
"So when boy catches bugs and bugs bite boy, you end up with... bug boy." says an intrigued Chloe Sullivan. She was always my favorite character on the show and always had the best lines. She's extremely quick witted, clever, and has important connections to ensure that she gets what she wants.
Whenever Clark needs up-to-date info on the newest super-villain, Chloe always has him covered. In this case they needed to do some research on who this Greg Arkin kid was and what could of possibly happened to him. She finds some article discussing how Amazonian Tribesmen took on the features of the insects they were bitten by and this leads the young high-school detectives to the theory that Greg was bitten by his krypto-infected insects, thus giving him bug-powers. Makes sense.
Another interesting scene in this episode is when Clark visits Lex's mansion. Lex hands him Lana's meteor rock necklace and Clark immediately feels the effects. Lex closes up the necklace in a special box and insists that Clark give it to Lana. It's at this moment that Clark realizes the importance of lead, which will come in handy later on in the episode.
Lex was a character I always felt sorry for. I always wanted him to have a better life, a better father. I believed that if Clark told him his secret early on in the show, that Lex would of protected him and made sure it stayed buried. Upon this re-watch however, I'm not sure what I was thinking. Keeping that in mind, it's rather funny how things turn out with Lionel much later on in the show. I won't spoil anything for those that don't know, which is my reason for being vague on the future Lionel situation.
In Hothead, we see Clark defy his father and join the football team. At the same time we see Lex go against his father's wishes and hire a bunch of new workers, rather than fire a bunch. This, of course, is settled by some serious swordplay between the two. Lionel inevitably wins the match, but Lex sticks to his plan anyways. It is Lex's "crap-factory" after all.
I never noticed the parallels this much before between Lionel and Jonathon, Clark and Lex. The father-son relationships don't have a lot in common on the outside, but both Clark and Lex are put in very similar situations quite frequently, at least from what I've noticed so far in the first handful of episodes. Looking for parallels like these is something I learned from watching Lost for all those years. With all the flashbacks going on, there were always scenes mirroring one another in that show.
Clark learns a brand new ability in this episode, hence the creative episode title. I didn't enjoy this episode really, aside from the x-ray vision stuff. I thought some actors were lame and Tina's Greer's mom mispronounced Lana's name, even though it was actually the shapeshifting Tina Greer in her place. Anyways, forgetting about the lame storyline and effects, let's just mention a few awesome moments.
In this episode Lana gets to find out the truth about her mother. Lana finds her diary and discovers that her mom didn't really like cheerleading either. This leads Lana to get together with Chloe to help track down a speech that Lana's mother gave back in high-school. Apparently it was quite controversial so it was tough to find the speech. Of course, Chloe has her connections and was able to find a copy for Lana. So that was a pretty big part of this episode, Lana and Chloe finally having their first conversation.
We also get to meet Roger Nixon, a reporter for the Metropolis Inquisitor. This idiot tries to blackmail Lex Luthor and Lex sees right through him. By the end of the episode Roger is under the impression that his identity will disappear with a single call by Lex, and so he's now working for him. Lex wants to discover what happened after the accident on the bridge, he even has the mangled car stored away for research. Looks like Lex is beginning his obsession with Clark Kent.
Clark first uses his x-ray vision during the robbery at the beginning of the episode. He's seen getting headache like symptoms right before he gets thrown through a window by Tina Greer. Then it hits him and he's able to see right through her. Later on he's in gym class with his buddy Pete Ross and while he's climbing the rope, he gets another headache and falls. Then he is seen peering through the neighboring wall right into the girls locker-room. Good old teenage Clark.
Sean Kelvin is a total dick, but I guess he didn't really deserve to be turned into a frosty freak. I have to say though, he did make a great super-villain. His powers might have started out as pretty basic, but he could have learned to use them more productively and turned into a real threat. Clark didn't really have any problem handling the kid by the end, once he knew what he was up against. Now Sean is frozen solid into the pond next to Lex's house. I wonder what became of his body or if it's still there.
Lex manipulates the Kents into showing up for a farmers meeting at his mansion so he could offer them a partnership to help save the farm. Martha seems to think it's a pretty generous offer, while Jonathan wants nothing to do with it. I personally think that this is all a ploy to get closer to Clark's parents. I don't think Lex ever truly "goes bad," I think he just lets it out. Lex was always trying to get whatever he wanted using tactics that relied on lies and deceit. It's pretty sad for me because I always thought Lex was trying to be a friend to Clark, but clearly I just didn't pick up on everything back when I started watching Smallville. Of course, I could also be very wrong.
I think that's pretty much all the awesome and important moments from these past few episodes. I should be watching a few more sometime today, so another post should be coming out within a week. Depending on how interesting the episodes are. Thanks for reading, hope everyone had an awesome New Years. If you're planning on writing a comment, be sure to mention what you're favorite "Freak of the Week" episode is from the first handful of seasons. Just for season 1 I would have to say my favorites are either Leech or Hug. I think Leech would be considered a "Freak of the Week" type episode.
The "no tights,no flights rule" i wouldn't say has been broken quite yet, but it's been bent a few times throughout the series and i'm sure by the series finale it will finally break :) It seems whenever clark floats or appears to fly in some manner, he is at that moment, usually emotionally fixed on something positive, for example his love for lana but as you see at the end of his dream, "lana" blames clark for her parents' death, which causes him to lose faith in himself and in turn causes him to fall. Yeah Chloe is also one of my favorite characters in the show, she's a great sidekick of sorts but can carry a scene all by herself and Allison Mack along with Tom Welling are the only two actors who have been around since the pilot up until now in smallville's final season. I love how even though clark (superman) is seen as a god like figure he's still grounded in some way in science so it makes what he's able to do more believable, as in the case with him not being able to use his x-ray vision through lead or radiation not passing through lead which as it's like in the real world.
ReplyDelete@Brad thanks for the excellent comment. Excellent point about how Clark feels strong emotions when he's flying. That's probably because otherwise he's fixated on his fear of heights.
ReplyDeleteDude, I seriously didn't even consider how he couldn't see through lead as a real to life science thing. So glad you noticed that :)
I was supposed to be watching more episodes today but my co-viewer canceled on me. We've re-scheduled for Friday.
There's a conversation later on in the series between Lex and Clark "Were we ever really friends Lex?", "I don't know Clark, i have nothing to compare it by" I agree I think Lex was using Clark and his parents to get closer to the truth about the accidient and perhaps even later to get closer to the truth about the meteor shower that caused him to become abnormal. Yeah i like the mirror characteristics between the Kents and the Luthors, which is probably why they were so connected to eachother though coming from different upbringings.
ReplyDeleteI think in one of the special features, they explain what happened to alot of the kryptofreaks and the ice dude is still trapped in an icecube haha but stored in one of lex's secret facilities.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite FOTW episode for season 1 is Metamorphosis. Season 2 is either Heat or Witness. Season 3 is Talisman which isn't a kryptofreak but is a superpowered foe. Season 4 is Pariah.