5. Infamous 2 (2011)
I absolutely loved the first Infamous game. Action games aren't really my favorite, but I'm a sucker for an open-world adventure with super-powers. Infamous 2 looks to really expand on that with immensely upgraded visuals as well as Cole having some handy new powers at his disposal. No solid release date has been issued yet, it's just confirmed to be a 2011 release so far.
4. Mass Effect 2 (January 18th)
After playing through the recently released Mass Effect 2 PS3 demo, I honestly wasn't all that impressed to begin with. It just seemed like the same-old 3rd person shooter with light RPG elements. Perhaps the final product is quite different, but initially I wasn't sold on the demo alone. Then awhile later I had the urge to jump back in and try again. There's something about the story that keeps bringing me back, and now I'm pretty excited to pick this one up to see what the hell is going on in this sci-fi fantasy world.
3. Team Ico HD Collection (Spring 2011)

2. Little Big Planet 2 (January 18th)
The original Little Big Planet was a game unlike anything the world has seen before. With the upcoming sequel, it looks as though Media Molecule are really taking the franchise to the next level. The Creatinator, Sackbots, Controlinator, and Grappling Hook are just a few of the new additions. LBP2 promises to give so much more control to the fan-base developers, while still allowing the casuals to play their favorite levels from the original LBP.
If you're not yet convinced, check out a few of these videos from the beta test. Those are ONLY from the beta. I consider myself a pretty creative guy, but I can't even imagine what the fans are going to create using these new tools. Media Molecule used to say that there was no real need for a sequel, so I really believe in these guys because they're making one, so it must really be something special.
1. DC Universe Online (January 11th)
What can I say? I'm completely addicted. I've been playing the PS3 beta test for a couple weeks now and I'm nowhere near tired of it yet. Despite the glitches, freezing, and server downtime, I'm still coming back to keep playing. There is just so much potential-awesome oozing out of this game, I just have to get in on it. It releases in just a couple weeks time and I'm so ready to jump into the finalized version.
When I began playing Final Fantasy XI back in 2004 it was nothing compared to the game it is now almost 7 years later. I'm pretty sure the same can be said for any long running MMO franchise. DCUO may or may not have a strong release, but when people are paying $15/mo for a game like this, the fans pleas are heard. I am very confident from what I've seen and been reading that SOE are going to make the majority of players happy. If not right off the bat, then just wait a month or two, because then you'll be seeing the new content and updates come flowing in. At least, that was my experience with FFXI. Things got fixed, updated, and added on a pretty regular basis, even years later.
Honorable Mentions
No, I haven't forgotten about all the other amazing games to be released in 2011. But I'm an RPG nut for the most part. I miss the good old days of classic PS1 RPG's and so I'm picking from what we got coming up. Killzone3, Uncharted3, Dead Space2, Batman: Arkham City, Resistance3, and perhaps The Last Guardian are all going to be kick ass 2011 games, no doubt. They just aren't at the top of my list. This was just a top 5 afterall. I am excited to play all of those games I just mentioned, but I won't be buying them the day they are released, if I buy them at all.
The only exception perhaps being Killzone3, because I absolutely loved the second one from beginning to end. It was pretty much my first in the First Person Shooter department, and Killzone3 would probably end up as 6th on my list. Anyways, thanks for reading. If you're going to comment below then list some of the games you're looking forward to next year. Perhaps I totally forgot about some great RPG's coming next year, feel free to call me out on it.
Infamous 2,Arkham City and Uncharted 3 are the games i'm most looking forward to.Infamous 2 does look totally upgraded in every detail as you said which is epic! and is that a gigantic freakin monster in that photo with cole??? o.o...Arkham City because simply put it's BATMAN!! can't say no to that lol and lastly Uncharted 3 because other than God of War 3, this series is the closest thing to a cinematic film i've ever played in my life...though i died an unrealistic amount of times in the other two installments :P
ReplyDeleteYes, that's the only reason I didn't enjoy either Uncharted as much as most. I really can't stand great games that do that. I play through a few hours of it and then reach a boss I need to beat with trial and error. Dying over and over again until I figure out how to dodge it's special attack, then get close enough to do some special melee move. How the hell was I supposed to figure all that out on my first try? Anyways, both Uncharted games were full of that kind of stuff and that's why I still haven't quite finished either of them. Just got tired of that crap.
ReplyDeleteYes that's a big freakin monster. Sucker Punch posted some new pics on the PS Blog a little while ago.
Batman is probably going to be awesome. I just can't justify purchasing a $60+ game that'll take me 10-12 hours to beat ><
Yeah those are definitely great games that I'm looking forward to. I really wish to play a good RPG, I want to actually play Final Fantasy XIII Versus, bur i just hope that they learned from the original FFXIII's mistakes and updated it. I'm also really looking forward to Devil May Cry 5, just because I've always been a huge fan!
ReplyDeleteYes, Versus XIII looks to be an open world game, heavy on action. I'm pretty excited and I'm starting to think that that game might be SE's chance to get it's original fans back. They're trying WAY too hard to appeal to the western Call of Duty fans out there :P Stick to what you're good at, Japanese games.
ReplyDeleteYes, I think it's called DMC right? I'm anxious to see how it turned out. I started with DMC2 on PS2 when I just bought it randomly without knowing much about it, loved it (despite the fact that fans say it's the worst of the series) and then borrowed DMC3 from my bro way back when it came out and loved that even more.