It's taken a few hours to compile my thoughts on what I thought of this episode. First off I want to say that I think Dexter, as a show, is going in the perfect direction, at least it seems that way to me. A couple seasons ago Dexter made a spontaneous kill and he got a thrill out of it, but it scared him a bit. I always wanted to see Dexter's truly dark side show up to try and take him over to the evil side. Dexter isn't a bad person, he just doesn't think the same way everyone else does. I'd like to say that he doesn't see a line between right and wrong, but he obviously does in some way. He kills bad guys.

I spent most of this episode in shock, almost as much as Dexter was. Watching it with my brother I could only utter out the occasional "whoa" or "geez" while watching everything progress. Dexter was speechless most of the time. Not even listening to anybody or following the usual routine that people go through when a loved one dies. Throughout the episode I felt that I would be the exact same way. Writing eulogies and setting up funeral arrangements? I don't think I could ever go through with it. All I could think about was how far I would run. Get as far away as you can from your life. Shortly after, that's exactly what Dexter tried to do. Tried and failed, mind you. He actually found the human side of himself and he came back to do the funeral, even had a beautiful eulogy for his wife.
Will we ever see Cody and Astor again? What about Harrison, where will Dexter's son go? Maybe Dexter will become a single dad and actually do an awesome job taking care of him. With the help of his sister and friends of course. I spent most of this episode quiet and saddened. It was a great farewell for Rita though. Could Rita perhaps pop up in Dexter's head from time to time to set him straight, just like Harry? I'll have to wait another week to see if we go straight to a regular kill, or if we meet a new character for Dexter to interact with. We shall see in a week! Please comment if you have any thoughts on the premiere episode.
can't really give any real comments on the premier since i have'nt seen it yet but i have been thinking of getting back into it though i'm in no rush too...a big reason i lost interest in the show was it became less dark to me and the focus not on dexter's nightlife as much as i would like however i haven't even completely watched all of last season so i'm a bit behind on what has happened...anyways sounds like the show is taking a darker turn hopefully not for the worse for dexter but tragity seems to bring out the best in people and so dexter continues to evolve whether in the end his addition over comes him or not...anyways great review it's got me even more compelled to get back into this show :)
ReplyDeleteI'm almost 100% positive he's going to be a single dad and take care of all the kids. That was the whole reason Harry told him he NEEDED to go back. Otherwise he most likely would have lost himself to his Dark Passenger. So I'm pretty certain Astor and Cody will be around. That and I believe somebody that read the books said something about Astor having a darkness in her that Dexter sort of becomes her Harry in a way. Although I think the show stopped following the books after the first season, I don't know as I haven't read them though I'd like to. I was thinking Rita would be a ghost in his head too, but after tonights episode I think we may see a few more flashbacks when they first started dating. Maybe that was just to show us their first date only though so we'll have to see. It was an Epic show and I honestly thought he was going to pull a Kenny Powers and go to Mexico being its so close to Florida and all when he took off with his "tools of the trade".
ReplyDelete@Brad Yeah the show has always been good. Like acting, writing etc., but it has changed quite a bit from when it first started. You should finish last season because John Lithgow was amazing in it, then this season has started wonderfully imo.
ReplyDelete@Marc Yeah, the single dad thing sounds interesting to me. I bet he'd be awesome, and it would change him significantly and probably be the only thing keeping him partly human. We did see an angry Astor so I guess anything could happen with her. I know I'm a creep saying this, but she's...what? 14 now? in a few years she better still be on the show, cuz she's gonna be a hottie when she's older. An angry hot 17 year old with thoughts of murder. Wow ...this show is fucked up I tell ya.
The first episode was not what I expected, probably because of the trailer. Not everything from the trailer has happened yet, the biggest being about Kyle Butler and the FBI questioning.
ReplyDeleteHow will Dexter explain this? How will he continue to kill while under the scrutiny of the FBI? How will he take care of children when he needs to leave at night?
Lots of questions that still must be answered.
God I love the way you write Bobby, I have to agree I really enjoyed this episode, it made me excited as to what's to come! I'm surprised there wasn't more of a memorial to Rita in this episode... she made a huge impact on dexters life and way of thinking..which tells me she probably will appear in future episodes. Well loved your blog bob once again I hope to hear more on next weeks dexter!!
ReplyDeleteI think he's going to be a single father this season, as well. I really hope that Julie Benz appears in more eps this season since the flashbacks this episode killed me. I think that this season will be about Dexter trying to be even more human than he ever thought he was ("I wasn't even human before I met Rita") and will heavily feature the kids trying to cop/adjust to Dexter now as their sole parent.
ReplyDeleteI do hate that Quinn the Hotness is being set-up as a foil for Dexter but totally called him and Deb having sex. It'd be nice to see Quinn transition to Team Dexter AND date Deb by the end of the season.
@Colleen Quinn on Team Dexter, awesome. Thanks for commenting by the way. I would also love to see Rita some more this season, maybe by the time the finale comes around at the very least. I'm sure Dexter will have some tough decisions to make surely she'll come up in his head eventually. I just hope we get to see her too.